Welcome to my blog about my life, stitching, quilting and other crafting and sewing obsessions!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I know that I promised pics, but that just hasn't happened!! I apologize, however, I have been working on a couple little things and I will post a picture soon. This weekend was just too nice to sit and stitch......ahhh, GASP!! Did I just say that!?!? LOL!! I was out opening our pool and getting the yard in shape. We are having a yard sale at our house in about 6 or 7 weeks and I would like everything to look nice. And have the pool to keep the kids occupied for the weekend while we are doing this. A good friend of mine is coming to my house with her stuff since I live on the main road through town. Last time we did this about 4 years ago, we made over $1,000!! Now that is a lot of Stash Cash!!! LOL!!
Time to hit the sack......be back tomorrow or maybe today I should say!! Thanks for checking in.
It has been almost a week since I posted last and boy has it been a busy week!! I was in Wisconsin doing a training with the victim service staff there at the Department of Corrections, which I think went very well. Then when I got back, I had to get caught up on all the work that I had been putting aside because I was preparing for that presentation.
So I got a tiny bit of stitching done. I am starting on the LAST of the Monthly Flip-Its by Lizzie Kate. I really do love these little ones, but I am definitely ready to be done with the them. :) And just as I went to take a picture to add to my blog, the battery in my camera went dead. As soon as it is charged, I will add a picture here.
Also, I wanted to put a link here to Carol's blog. She is having a lovely giveaway of fabulous scissor fobs!! You should go and check it out!!
I don't have too much time to write today. Just wanted to drop a quick note to show you one project that I finished on Sunday. It is made with one Honey Bun roll from Moda Fabrics. I thought it turned out cute. I do need to put a button on the front, but didn't have one at home that I liked with it.
I hope you all had a relaxing weekend!! Thanks for stopping by!
You are not going to believe the FABULOUS prize that Edgar sent to me for his 2nd Blogoversary! It really was OVER THE TOP! He sent me a fabulous stitched ornament. Three pieces of beautiful fabrics, yummy chocolate, chocolate mints, a cup from San Francisco and a key chain from San Francisco. This really is a fantastic prize and I want to give a HUGE Thank YOU for everything to Edgar!! Here is a picture of my prize.
This has been such a busy week that I haven't had a minute to sit down and write to everyone. I promised that I would put up pics of DD at her dance recital last weekend. So here she is with a couple of other little girls in her class.
I think that they are too cute in their little costumes!! They did such a great job! She had two different numbers, one ballet and one tap. They really loved the tap number and everyone that was watching loved it too!
As I was uploading these pictures, I found one of my DS. I think that he must have been playing with my camera the other day. And last but not least, here is the great Mother's Day presents that the kids got for me! I loved all of it and they were so excited that I was happy.
I have not had much time this week to do stitching, but I am hopeful that I will have a chance to do it tonight if I get all of my work done.
And speaking of which, I better get back to it so I can actually get some stitching done tonight! I will talk to everyone later. Thanks for stopping by!
HOLY COW!!! Can you believe that Edgar's cute puppy picked me as the winner!!??!! Even if he was bribed with a treat!! LOL!! I am so excited!!
Just to update you, DD's dance recital was SPECTACULAR!! She did wonderful, so did her entire class! You could tell that they really liked the tap number more than the ballet, but they were so cute in their dinosaur costumes. I will post the pics of her and her friends tonight along with the fabulous Mother's Day presents that I received!!
I have to run to school board, but just wanted to send a quick "Thank You" to Edgar for drawing my name!!
Unfortunately, I have not gotten much stitching done since my last post. DD had recital practice all night Wednesday night and DS had his spring choral concert last night.....And tonight is the BIG dance recital night so there will be no stitching tonight. :(
And on top of all of this, there was a little accident with DH truck and now I have to take it today to get an estimate to fix the back quarter panel. Like I have time for all of this right now!! Oh well, just have to roll with it I guess.
I will take pictures of DD all dressed up tonight in her costume. She does look cute when we get everything on and her hair and makeup done.
Because I am so new to blogging, I have never entered any drawings before. But I thought that I would. So I am entering Edgar's Drawing to try and win a prize!! :) Wish me luck! And go and check out his blog. I really like it!
I can't believe that I finished two projects!! One last night and one this evening!! I finished my July Monthly Flip-It from Lizzie Kate. I had not intended to, but once I started stitching, I just didn't want to put it down.
The second was tonight. I got my sewing machine back and so I finished a little bag that I started a few days ago. It is my first completed "quilting" type project. All in all, not bad. I do have to work on the seams though. I guess it just takes practice, but I am pretty happy with it!! It has a zipper, which I have never tried before, and a pieced handle. My daughter wants one now to put her stuff in when we go away overnight. I think that it will be good for hairpieces and such! So it has been pretty good!! I can't wait for this weekend! I plan on stitching and sewing all day on Saturday!! WooHoo!!
What a busy and crazy week that I had last week! I was traveling a great deal for work. But I did manage to get a little bit of stitching done. Just a little bit on the July Flip-It and I finished "The Southwest" house on "From Sea To Shining Sea". I was was very happy about that. Here are the pictures of those two projects.
I also took some pictures to share with you of the other months that I already have done. I hope that you like these.
Well I hope that you liked all of these! I will be so glad to get these completed!! Just half of July and August left. Yippee!! Well I am off to pick up my sewing machine, so that I can finally start to play with the embroidery module! I am so excited!! :)