So my DH and DS were away this weekend. So it was just my DD and I or so I thought. She ended up going to a friend's house on Friday night and so I had a whole evening to myself with no one around to interrupt me and no work!! Yippee!! So I finished my Lizzie Kate Flip-It for June and I started on July. Here are these two.
So that was great and then I went into my craft room and started cutting out another quilting project. I am going to make a little bag for the kids to put their toothbrushes and such in for when they are traveling. I am coming along nicely there.
Well, I was in a pretty good mood and so I allowed DD to let her friend come and stay overnight with her. My ulterior motive was that I wanted to go to the cross stitch shop and two quilting stores yesterday and I thought she wouldn't mind to have a little friend along to keep her company.
I went to Sew Elegant where I bought my sewing machine so that I could ask a few questions and of course purchase some things for my stash. I bought some beautiful fabric to make a beginner quilt. It doesn't look too difficult, but we will see. Then we went to my LNS and I picked up my May that was done and dropped off June. And of course, added a couple of new things to my stash there as well.
Then it was off to find a quilting store that is supposed to be relatively close to my LNS. Well after a little driving around and a bribe of ice cream (really it was 86 degrees yesterday!), I finally found it and boy did I hit the mother load!! I don't think that I have ever been to a fabric store with that many bolts of fabric! I am definitely going to have to go back without little ones in tow.
That brings me to today. I have been sewing and doing handwork for many years, but I did go through a period of time where I was very much into scrapbooking. However, it just didn't fit with me as well as the fabric did. So today, I moved all the scrapbooking out of my craft room and turned it back into a sewing room. I was so happy!! Then my DD and started to work on a table runner that we bought the pattern and fabric for yesterday. It has flip flops on it and boy are the colors bright, but she loves it!! So I will take some pics of that when we start to make progress.
Well, it is late and I have to get up early. All in all, this was a great weekend!! I feel very productive!