Tomorrow, or should I say today, the kids go back to school. It hardly seems possible that summer has come and gone already. It seems like they just got out of school.
So I have been stitching in between all the work that we do during the summer with the business. I was in an All Seasons Ornament Exchange that was due at the end of August. I just saw on that blog that my partner has received her ornament so I can post the picture here. Karen lives in Australia and I was so nervous about this ornament exchange as it was the first one that I have ever participated in and I was so scared that I wouldn't do as good of a job as my partner. But I was pretty pleased with how it turned out. The was an M Design ornament from Just Cross Stitch Ornament Edition 2005. It is called Joy.
I received my ornament from my partner in the mail this week too. Karen and I had each other for partners. I absolutely love the ornament that she sent to me. It has a summer theme and on one side were flip flops (My Favorite) and then a patriotic/summer theme on the other. I just adore it!!
I have been working on my DD's picture for her underwater room theme. It is moving a little quicker now that the ornament is done. Here is the latest picture of the progress I have made on this one.
Well, it is late or early, whichever way you want to look at it, so I better get to bed. They will be up early tomorrow!
Happy Stitching!!