This has been a busy week with work. But I have been able to get some stitching done. AND I got a couple of great packages in the mail from one of my favorite needlework shoppes on the web, Shakespeare's Peddler. Theresa is a very nice and knowledgeable stitcher and she has been having some GREAT sales! If you have a chance to check her out, you should at Shakespeare's Peddler.
I am working on the Traveling Stitcher from Little House Needleworks. It is coming along. Not too bad for not stitching much. Now here is my good deals that I got from Shakespeare's Peddler. The colors are not quite as good as what I would have liked. They are much more vibrant. The pinkish one is a 28 ct. Cabernet Lugana. The other one really is purple mixed with blue and ivory. It is 28 ct. Starquest Linen. I am in love with both of them. Next to it is the next project that I will be working on. It is the Rose Thread Pouch by Little House Needleworks. I love it too!!
So I am off to list a couple of things on eBay this evening. But very quickly before I go, I was browsing some of my favorite blogs and came across this great site that has wonderful tutorials, including this one for a needlecase. So if you have a minute, check out The Painted Quilt. I really love this blog! Well as always, Happy Stitching!
I can't believe that it has been two weeks since I last posted!! It has been so busy around here that sometimes I feel like my head is spinning! So where do I start to tell you about what I have been up to?
Well, first we had decided that we needed a new roof on the house (not really what you wanted to spend your money on) but its one of those things that you have to do. So when we started getting estimates for the roof, they were all saying the same thing to need to have this chimney fixed before we can start!! UGH!! I don't know about where you live, but here, it is EXTREMELY difficult to find a mason. Well, we finally did and he told us that really the only option that we have is to complete rip down the chimney and start over, for way more reasons than I care to list here. So long story short, what we thought that was going to be expensive enough just about doubled in an instant!!
So we have 7/8 of our roof redone right now. The mason will start with the chimney on Monday morning and it will take him about two weeks to complete. Once he is done, the roofer will come back and finish the roof right around the chimney. I do have to say that the house really is looking great!! I love the change and I can't wait to see what it all looks like when the chimney is all done.
And on top of that, my DH started to build a small porch on the front of our house that I am VERY excited about!! We have never had porches on our house, which I really miss. So I can't wait till its all done so I can sit out there and stitch to my heart's content. When it is all done, I will take some pics and show you all!
So that is one thing, then on top of that, our summer business has started up, which takes more of my stitching time than I would like. We own a motorsport production company that has us traveling every weekend from Memorial Day to the first weekend of October. Plus there is all of the prep work and follow up work after each event.
So you may be asking what exactly is a motorsport production company. Well we produce tractor and truck pull events on the East Coast. It is a little hard to explain, but we do have a website at It might be easier to take a peek there than to try to explain exactly what we do.
Then this week we took the kiddos on a little mini-vacation. We took them out to the Poconos to an indoor water park called the Great Wolf Lodge. They had a blast!! I was so happy while we were there that one of my dearest and closest friends came to have dinner with us on Wednesday night with her DS! I haven't seen her in quite awhile and talking on the phone or via computer just isn't the same!! The kids loved playing with each other too! Here they are being silly and playing up for the camera. And in between all of these things, I have been cleaning out my house like a mad woman. My friend and I have decided to have a yard sale in the middle of July and I have decided that my house has needed a SERIOUS HOE OUT!! LOL!! So if you are in the area the middle of July, stop by.....I may even be getting rid of the kitchen sink!! Hahaha!!
Now on to what I have been doing stitching wise! I am so happy to say that I am FINALLY done with the last Monthly Flip-It!! I know that it doesn't sound like it, but I really did like stitching these up. They are too cute and I am so glad that I did them. My kids comment on them all the time. My last one is August. The overdyed fabric doesn't show up very well in this picture. I took several of them, but it just didn't seem to come out. Really it is a great green color. Since that is done, I have started on my next 'take along' project. I am working on the Traveling Stitcher from Little House Needleworks. I don't have much done, but it is a start! :) I have also been doing a little stitching shopping too! And I am ABSOLUTELY in LOVE with the two new Pixies from Nora Corbett! One is called Pansy and one is called Sweet Pea. I picked up both of them up and I am going to do them both on Pink Whisper. I don't think that this really soft, soft pink overdyed comes out nearly as beautiful in this picture as it is in person and it is just gorgeous with the purples in these two patterns.
UGH!! It must be too late. I can't get the picture to rotate and I hate when that happens. I will look at it tomorrow and post the picture.
Well, thanks for reading this super long post! So sorry about that! I still have more to tell, but that will wait for tomorrow. I hear my pillow calling!!
I can't believe that it has been over a week since I have had a moment to post on here!! ast week was the end of school and since I am the school board president, I had several events that I had to attend. And on top of that, we have been picking out shingles for a new roof and bricks for a new chimney and materials for a porch that we are adding on. So needless to say, I have been watching everyone's blogs, just not able to attend to mine.
I have been able to do a little stitching though. I am half way done with the August Monthly Flip-It from Lizzie Kate. Really the fabric is more green than it appears. I just couldn't seem to get the picture to pick up the color.
I will be back later. Have to get ready for a board meeting in about 20 minutes. Have a good night and happy stitching!!