I am back home from my trip to Baltimore to work at the Phi Sigma Sigma headquarters office and trying to catch up from the couple of days out. So I wanted to FINALLY show you what my "new" and almost done sewing room looks like. I say almost done because we have ordered the countertop for my one set of cabinets, but of course, it is backordered. They told us that it was scheduled to be in this Friday so keep your fingers crossed for me. And what I have found is that I REALLY miss having this extra counter space for cutting and such.
So take a look. Here is the front of my room that looks out onto our front yard, notice all the "lovely" snow. 13 straight days of snow here in Western PA.

This is looking in from our kitchen to the side that you can see in the picture above. The cabinet on the wall is FULL of all my fabrics.
Here is the cabinet that I am waiting for the counter top for. It is 6' long. Lots of room for cutting and piecing. I may even use the wall for my piecing board. We will have to see. I would like to keep everything as clean as possible. My craft room before just felt too cluttered. This feels much better.

And here is the opposite wall looking into my kitchen. My ironing board isn't going to stay there, but it just happened to be on that wall. The picture in the left of the picture was the birth sampler my grandmother made for me.
So there you have it. It's my "new" and almost done sewing room. Hope you liked my little tour!
Until next time, Happy Stitching!
So take a look. Here is the front of my room that looks out onto our front yard, notice all the "lovely" snow. 13 straight days of snow here in Western PA.
This is looking in from our kitchen to the side that you can see in the picture above. The cabinet on the wall is FULL of all my fabrics.
Until next time, Happy Stitching!